R. Nicolay & Sohn

43. 45. The Holy Virgin 46. The Holy Virgin Iverskya. 19th century. 49. The Pantocrator. Begin 19th century. 51. Minea icon. July. 18th century. 53. The Holy Virgin of Vladimir, about 1650. Silver middle of the 18th century. 55. Calendar icons with the Resurrection and Passions.84 Holy Virgins. 19th century. 57. Acathistos-Hymnus to the Holy Virgin. End of 19th century. 58.The Holy Virgin of the Burning Bush with Scenes from Her Life. Basma silver. Begin of 19th century. 59. The Pantocrator. Begin 19th century. Silver cover, Moscow 1847 73. St. Nicholas. 16th century. 78. Virgin of the Sign. 19th century. 8.The Virgin of Mercy. 19th century. 9.Four part icon. Begin of 19th century.